Internship Goals can never be better

Internship Goals can never be better

my goals, HNG and I

Hello everyone 👋, I'm Okononfua David, best you call me Viñyl Chi or Davyl, I mean it was a nickname inspired by an old time friend from high school. I'm a Frontend developer and Data scientist by passion. Having being in the tech space for a while now, setting my hands on latest technologies and constantly seeking opportunies, looking to hone my skills, I just get accepted to the glorious HNGi8 x 14G Internship under partnership with Zuri team and Ingressive.

It's a onetime opportunity so rear, most times it can't be heard directly from the horses mouth. I heard about HNG a long time ago from Twitter and I tried out HNGi7 at first but I didn't workout well, but now that I'm on the i8 level, All being said I would like to share with you why I'm here, why you might want to be here, and what I intend on doing afterworth.

Here are my goals;



In the sense that one of the main objectives of an internship is to expose you to a particular job and a profession or industry. While you might have an idea about what a job is like, you won’t know until you actually perform it if it’s what you thought it was, if you have the training and skills to do it and if it’s something you like. For example, you might think that advertising is a creative process that involves coming up with slogans and fun campaigns. Taking an internship at an advertising agency would help you find that advertising includes consumer demographic research, focus groups, knowledge of a client’s pricing and distribution strategies, and media research and buying. It's Just an example though.



An internship, supposedly should provides a variety of benefits for young workers and vibrant men 😁 who want to broaden their chances for landing a job and jump-starting their careers. Internships give you a taste of what a profession is like, help you build your resume and let you meet people who can help you in your career. Don’t be passive during an internship and miss opportunities to expand your business background. Take advantage of the many benefits of holding an internship. Mind you, HNG is one very good place for this.



I personally have a certificate on Soft skills and interpersonal relationship and I would like to harbour this and become better. While you work, I believe it would be nice to make an impact where you work by asking for responsibility and looking for ways to achieve accomplishments and help in tasks in a nice manner. Be willing to work more hours than you’re required and ask to work in different departments to expand your skill set. We can't afford to sweat the small stuff



Lastly, this should be one of the most important One benefit of an internship is developing potential contacts and future connect. These people can help you find a job later, act as references or help you with projects after you’re hired somewhere else or eventually bubble.🚀 Meet the people who have opportunities or position you would like some day and ask them how they started their careers, how they got to where they are now and if they have any suggestions for you to improve your skills.

I hope you liked this👋

I thank the entire team @ , HNGi8 and it's sponsors for this opportunity

Here are some of my personal resources and links

Introduction to FIGMA: (




#programming #technology

#javascript #webdevelopment

#softwaredevelopmemt #softwarengineering